The Future of 2LL
Hello! First off, we would like to thank Jaweed Kaleem and The Miami Herald for running a story on our humble blog. We appreciate all of the positive feedback... as well as the haters. Both fuel our determination to document this city's unique cultural style. And don't forget to check out the slide-show on the Herald's website to hear Thompson's articulation talents.
We have a lot in store for the next few weeks. We're working with a graphic designer to remodel the site as well as developing various t-shirt designs. That being said, we're looking for potential advertisers to feature on 2LL. If interested, please shoot us an e-mail.
Also, to clarify a point from today's article, Sarah Attias is not only a contributor to 2LL but also a founding member. As she was in Panama during the writing of the article and photo shoot, we'd like to post her picture so readers can get an idea of the creativity she brings daily to her clothing and 2LL.

And as ever, let us know if you're interesting in working on the blog.
305 love,
The 2LL Crew
screw the haters, i love you guys! (and the shorts in the second shot)
dave /
haha what is that
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