It's kinda no surprise this guy fronts a rock band. While the combination of a tie and a short-sleeve button-down can come off a bit Avril Lavigne faux-punk, one perhaps only needs the pedigree to back it up. (As for myself, I'd steer way clear of that particular combination.)
As far as the mismatching of shoes and belt debate going on, I have to agree that mismatching is often "plain tacky," indie folks being quite prone to it. However, shoes and a belt that contrast as much as these do aren't a particularly egregious example of mismatching, and it doesn't bother me in this case. Colors shouldn't be simplified down to just "brown" or "black." You feel me?
Question: Does not putting my two cents in immediately, or less commentary, encourage discussion?
Brown shoes, black belt? not so sure about that...
breaking those goddamn "rules" are what make great, interesting outfits. people who adhere so blindly to those rigid concepts of style are outdated & boring. what is so wrong, what is so "unsure" about brown shoes with a black belt?
what is so wrong, what is so "unsure" about brown shoes with a black belt?
well, loss of cohesion for starters... cmon. there isnt anything avante garde about mismatching. its just plain tacky.
Alright. I I I think that the black belt and the brown shoes totally works for our friend in this photo here. Why? Well, you ever have those days when ya just dont wanna be as tied up tight and straight up and down? Loosely said, YES WE ALL DO! So, you throw it off a little. Throw a wrench the gears of conformity. Its good to be off sometimes I I I think. I I I also dig the paint on his pant legs. This 2 live look, has not too much edge but is still a hella moody.
i never noticed the mismatching till it was brought up
and i still dont really care
a little mediocre but nice neh?
I think breaking rules is great, as long as it doesn't look bad. In this case, it looks bad. It breaks the whole flow of things.
I think matching is totally and completely dated. Given that one should try not to clash, the rules ARE meant to be broken. Especially by rockstars like our Tony here, who is the lead singer of The Mutiny (if that hasn't already been addressed). I think Tony's look is classic, but not overly stated, because he chose to not match his belt to his shoes, and because of his unkempt hair. Bravo Tony; if only more Miamian boys would take your lead and wear ties.
the only reason his shit isn't matching is because he doesn't own a brown belt
-brian pimpyero/-rene
Imagine if those shoes were black, this would've been a perfect execution. That's all I'm sayin' people...
Imagine if those shoes were black, this would've been a perfect execution. That's all I'm sayin' people...
His brown dogs are barking ?
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